Maine Navy Veteran selected to serve as greeter for White House Christmas tours
A woman from Maine got the honor to take part in Christmas at the White House this year.
© Provided by WCSH-TV Portland, ME
Joy Asuncion, a Navy Veteran from Belfast, was selected to be a greeter for the Christmas tours after years of applying to take part in the annual festivities.
“The best part was seeing the excitement of everybody that came in,” Asuncion told NEWS CENTER Maine.
Asuncion volunteers regularly for Maine Troop Greeters, Honor Flight Maine and Wreaths Across America to support Maine’s Veteran community, usually traveling to Washington, D.C. several times a year.
The coronavirus pandemic has put many events on hold, and stopped all Honor Flights, so she said she was thrilled to be able to make the trip to safely participate.
Asuncion said she and other volunteers had to follow Covid-19 guidelines and wear masks to keep themselves and visitors safe.
Her primary role while she was there was to welcome everyone that came into the East Wing of the White House and help them navigate the elaborately-decorated rooms.
“It was amazing, probably one of the best experiences of my life,” she said. “Everyone was just so happy to be in the White House, to see the beautiful trees and decorations. It was just incredible, really.”
This years theme was “America The Beautiful.” Asuncion said that really hit home for he as a Veteran.
Her favorite part was The Gold Star Family Tree, an annual tradition in tribute to American heroes and their families who died in service to our country.