Playing WA supports performing arts tours across regional WA

Playing WA supports performing arts tours across regional WA

  • Seven organisations share in $625,177 to tour WA’s vibrant performing arts productions to regional venues
  • Playing WA grants program shares a world of culture and the arts with regional audiences 
  • Performing arts companies will tour a mixture of world class hip-hop opera, theatre, international jazz, cross-cultural work and musical comedy across regional Western Australia, with funding from the Playing WA grants program.

    Yirra Yaakin Aboriginal Corporation will receive $111,150 to deliver Ice Land – A Hip h’Opera Regional Tour, a series of week-long community residences of the theatre and live music performance.

    The performance boasts some of WA’s top artists including hip hop act Downsyde, using the language of hip hop to tackle the issue of methamphetamine use.

    Concert performance presentations, interactive workshops, storytelling and an exhibition will travel from Warmun, east Kimberley, to Perth, with a powerful creation called The Wreck.

    Tura New Music will receive $120,000 to produce the cross-cultural work, created by artists and performers at the Warmun Art Centre.

    Other recipients of Playing WA grants are:

    • CircuitWest ($54,430) for Kohesia Presents: A Night of Persian Jazz – a regional WA tour of a unique seven-piece jazz ensemble including professional development with local musicians and school workshops;
    • CircuitWest ($119,640) for a Regional WA tour of a musical comedy based on the incredible true story of Tony Galati, Tony Galati the Musical;
    • Georgia King ($39,611) for Harvey and Bunbury ‘Bystander’ – a verbatim performance with original live music and an accompanying photographic exhibition;
    • Theatre 180 ($108,661) for a stage adaptation of AB Facey’s A Fortunate Life; and
    • Spare Parts Puppet Theatre ($71,685) for a regional tour of The Little Prince. 

    The Playing WA grants program supports the costs of touring WA-produced performing arts shows to regional and remote towns and communities in WA.

    The grants program is delivered as part of the State Government’s Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program (RACIP) to support arts and cultural activity in regional WA.

    The RACIP is administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

    As stated by Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman:

    “It’s great for regional WA that these exciting productions will be touring this year.

    “Culture and the arts brings a multitude of benefits to our communities, creating vibrancy, supporting local economies and creating jobs.”

    As stated by Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

    “The RACIP is continuing to build capacity in the regions and contribute to the liveability and vibrancy of regional communities.

    “It also drives creativity, providing a vital opportunity for audiences in WA’s regions to connect and engage with the performing and visual arts.”

    /Public Release. The material in this public release comes from the originating organization and may be of a point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style and length. View in full here.